The Badass Widow Warriors (BWW) are the ultimate Camp Widow Success Story. The six women met at Camp Widow San Diego in July 2018. Tammy, Janel, Paula, Christina, and Shanna each arrived not knowing anyone and carrying the rawness of new loss. All had been widowed within the previous six months. They met at various points during the Camp Widow weekend, shared meals, exchanged phone numbers, friended each other on Facebook, and hugged goodbye on Sunday.
Shortly after returning home, one of the women opened Facebook Messenger and started a conversation thread that continues three years later. The BWW group personifies a broad range of scenarios including sudden loss, accidental loss, and loss after critical and long-term illness/caregiving. Some of the BWWs are moms. One was pregnant when her husband died. Others don’t have children. And one is a grandmother. The emotional strength grown from the bond led the women to proclaim their tribe The Badass Widow Warriors. The BWWs have taken classes together, met on vacation, and can’t wait for the time when they are able to travel regularly for more time spent together in person.
In this panel, BWWs will discuss how their group friendship was instrumental in their collective early survival, as well as their eventual success living forward and thriving (or attempting to) after the loss of their husbands. The women will talk openly about why it matters having a widow tribe and the bond of being unconditionally “seen” in their moments of pain, celebration, laughter, questioning, and reflection. No question is off limits for these Badass Widow Warriors!