Gwendolyn Porter

Gwendolyn Porter is an Occupational Therapist with more than 14 years’ pediatrics experience living in Columbus, Ohio. Following the death of her 37-year-old husband from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, she filed for 501(3)(c) on their wedding anniversary called "Alex's Sunnyside Playroom". The non-profit put the first family playroom in the U.S. within an adult cancer hospital in May 2021. Gwendolyn enjoys fulfilling her husband's travel bucket list for their family, spending time with her children, advocating for families battling cancer and running. Gwendolyn joined the Soaring Spirits family a few months following the death of her husband at Camp Widow San Diego in July 2018. There she found a tribe called the "Badass Widow Warriors" in the 6-months-and-under loss support group. This tribe of women have been the best support system that helped her find a path towards living after loss with children at a young age.