How I Did It: Living My BEST Life After Loss ( Even if you’re completely STUCK, overwhelmed, NEW to widowhood, or just have NO idea where to START!) 3 Crucial Steps That Changed EVERYTHING: Get On The Path Back To SANITY – HEALING + Moving FORWARD After LOSS
Navigating Trauma in Widowhood
Surviving the Holidays and other Special Days
When you are grieving, there is no question that some days are more difficult than others as they make the loss of our spouse more apparent – the anniversary date of their death, birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, the holiday season and more. These are often days or seasons that we dread, but with planning they […]
Widow Friendships Matter: A Panel Presentation by the Badass Widow Warriors
Moderator: Tammy Porter
In this panel, BWWs will discuss how their group friendship was instrumental in their collective early survival, as well as their eventual success living forward and thriving (or attempting to) after the loss of their husbands. The women will talk openly about why it matters having a widow tribe and the bond of being unconditionally “seen” in their moments of pain, celebration, laughter, questioning, and reflection. No question is off limits for these Badass Widow Warriors!
Support and Community for Suicide Survivors
This workshop will offer support for widowed people whose partners died by suicide. We will discuss coping strategies, offer psycho-educational information and provide time and support…
Self-Care Through Trauma
Moderator: Susan Hannifin-MacNab
Susan will moderate a discussion exploring a variety of self-care modalities designed to specifically address grief related trauma. She will be joined by a panel of widowed people with personal and professional experience in healing through trauma. They will share self-care tips that they use and recommend.
Grief and Child Development
This workshop will provide an understanding of children and their development as it pertains to their concepts of death and grief reactions. Children’s grief can look very different than adults’ grief, they often grieve in spurts and re-grieve as the concept of death becomes more definitive and permanent to them. As such, it is important […]