After the unthinkable happens, our normal human brains operate as if in a danger zone, offering us a constant barrage of thoughts. We revisit the events surrounding the loss and analyze it from every angle. We consider how our own actions might have changed the outcome.
It’s easy to dwell on how we could have been a better spouse, should have been more patient and less distracted.
We wonder how happiness can be possible now when our person is not physically here.
We question whether we should be doing better by now. Isn’t it supposed to be getting easier instead of harder?
There is nothing in this world that can trouble us as much as our own thoughts.
This session will prompt attendees to download their current thoughts surrounding the past, present and future. They’ll learn that thoughts are always, 100% optional, that thoughts are not necessarily true, and some thoughts add more suffering to the pain. Attendees will begin to connect thoughts to feelings, actions and results, which highlights the power of our own thinking.
Then, attendees will create a Belief Plan, comprised of true and useful thoughts, that will help them navigate grief proactively. They will leave with a plan as to how they will recite their Belief Plan regularly and how to evolve it over time.