Emotional Wellness During Adverse Times, developed and presented by award-winning international keynote speaker, founder and exec. director of YAY Foundation, and bestselling author Aidan Park, offers effective and research-backed strategies in providing support for emotional wellness. Aidan shares his personal story of becoming a widower and provides actionable and proven tools for managing painful emotions […]
Recently Widowed: Tools and Tips for those Widowed 1-3 years
Finding Peace one Piece at a Time: Managing Your Loved One’s Possessions
There is no set time that is appropriate for sorting through your partner’s personal belongings. There is also no concrete plan for determining what you should do with them once you have sorted them! For most widowed people, the desire to begin the process of facing these physical reminders of a life lived begins with […]
Threads of Transformation: Dialing in to Denial, Guilt, and Vulnerability
Join us for a transformational journey into the heart of grief, where we’ll identify and face our difficult emotions, and rumble with vulnerability – our greatest measure of courage by giving ourselves permission to be brave.
Beyond Traditional Narratives
In this workshop, we explore the complexities of grief experienced by individuals with non-traditional losses. Participants from diverse backgrounds join us to challenge societal norms, discuss diverse forms of love and loss, and navigate support systems. By the end, attendees gain a deeper understanding of disenfranchised grief, validation for their experiences, and a renewed connection […]
Havana Nights Themed Banquet & Memorial Activity
Join us for an evening banquet dinner, memorial activity and dancing! Costumes, semi formal, and casual welcomed!
Solo Parenting After Loss: Raising Kids Through Grief and Challenging Behavior
Explore the unique and sensitive journey of parenting a child who exhibits challenging behavior after the loss of a parent. Drawing from personal experiences and expertise, Kim Murray of the Widow Squad will provide valuable insights into effective communication strategies and coping mechanisms as you navigate the complexities of grief while nurturing your child’s emotional […]