In this workshop I will look at the journey from living in a partnership to living alone and becoming ok with that new space.
Middle Widowed: Hope and Healing for those Widowed 3-5 years
The ABCs of Dating Post Loss
When you got married, you thought dating was a thing of the past.
Making Butter
After loss, many of us struggle with fear: the fear of trying new things, the fear of being vulnerable…
Orientation: Widowed and Rebuilding
The second stage of widowhood is defined for the purpose of this track as being widowed more than eighteen months and less than five years.
Yoga Nidra~Yogic Sleep
Yoga Nidra is a specific kind of yoga. It is also known as Yogic sleep and it is extremely relaxing. This yoga session will have a Harry Potter theme.
Finding Strength in Grief through Community Connections
We all began our widowed life not knowing exactly how to move forward. We may struggle with living in the “in between” years – the time before our partner passed, and the days and years after they pass. As we create new chapters for ourselves, rely on our cultural and community supports, and develop new […]