Susan Hannifin-MacNab, author of the “A to Z Healing Toolbox,”states that “reading and verbalizing positive quotes, statements of affirmation, and hope-filled pieces of writing has a direct connection to overall health and well-being.” Using quotes from the works of Jen Sincero’s “You are a Badass”, Brene Brown’s “Daring Greatly”, Tom Zuba’s “Permission to Mourn”, and Michele Neff Hernandez’s Camp Widows’ keynotes, participants will discuss their reactions to these thought leaders using their own widowed experiences. Sample quotes we will discuss: “If you are serious about changing your life you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you will find an excuse.” “Keep in mind that there is no way to go about this. Everyone’s journey is unique, but we’re all trying to get to the same place — the place where we feel happiest, the most alive, and the most like ourselves.” “It’s okay to wake up laughing.”
It’s Okay to Wake Up Laughing
Speaker(s): Dr. Nancy Saltzman