It’s been said that ‘lonely’ is not a powerful enough word to describe widowhood. Loneliness, isolation, social isolation…for many widowed people these are parts of the reality of widowed life. The powerful feeling of emptiness that follows the death of our spouse or partner can be one of the most painful experiences of our widowed […]
Middle Widowed: Hope and Healing for those Widowed 3-5 years
Surviving the Storm: The Power of Resilient Parenting
For those widows and widowers with children, parenting must continue after loss. This workshop will guide participants in identifying their personal strengths and struggles with parenting in the aftermath of their loss. Together we’ll look at some common scenarios of conflict that can arise in families post-loss and examine unique solutions and methods for coping […]
Charting Your New Financial Plan
Charting your New Financial Plan: Heal your finances as you heal yourself. Widows face the unique challenge of having to make important financial decisions amid intense grief. This practical talk gently and compassionately provides widows with an overview of how to get organized with their finances and where to focus their attention as they move […]
Guarded Vulernability
Hurt people hurt people, but helped people help people. On the path to healing we can help others help us. This workshop will focus on using vulnerability as a key ingredient of resilience. As we let others know what we need they are better equipped to meet our needs. As we use guarded vulnerable with […]
Keynote Address
Please join John Polo, long-time Camp Widow presenter, coach and author of 4 books-Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms, Widowed 2: Now I Live, How To Date a Widow and The Stupid Sh*t People Say to Grievers. John came to his first camp in 2017 and has been presenting at every camp at least once a […]
Anger and Widowhood
Anger and widowhood go hand in hand, and yet even though we feel it as much as any other emotion, we are never allowed to talk about it, let alone show it to the world.