When your predictable world blew into a million pieces, were you left standing shell-shocked, not knowing if there were any tools that could possibly help you? Do you feel as though when your loved one died, you were given a massive bucket of GRIEF and/or TRAUMA to hold onto (full of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual pain)? If you answered “Yes” to either of these questions, this workshop is for you.
Restore, Renew and Rebuild with the award winning A2Z Healing Toolbox®- 26 powerful, action-based tools and resources that counter the negative affects of grief & trauma while assisting in increased healing of the mind, body and spirit. Join us for an unforgettable and interactive workshop where you will receive healing tips & tricks & tools from the A2Z toolbox, participate in practical restorative exercises, and take away life enhancing information such as 1) how breathing through a drinking straw can help rebalance your nervous system 2) why even a forced smile can boost your natural “happy hormones” serotonin and dopamine 3) which practical therapies and techniques can assist in healing the neural pathways of your brain and 4) the power of guided imagery in healing the mind, body and spirit.