Because loss can leave you feeling broken, as if a piece of yourself is missing. This workshop is for you if you’re ready to begin or deepen into the process of feeling whole again.
The definition of wholeness- the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity. The state of being unbroken or undamaged.
In this workshop, through journal writing and vision mapping (collaging), you will:
~Reflect on what nourishes your mind, body, heart, and spirit- in joy, peace, wellness, creativity, passion, and purpose.
~Create a vision for yourself that is in harmony with the highest good for your mind, body, heart, and spirit- in relationship to all the parts of your life that make up your whole experience- in work/service, family, love, finances, friendship, and community.
This workshop will also offer discussion about the process of redefining yourself and your life without your partner, adjusting to changing family roles and family culture, creating space for both grief and joy, and the process of making peace with your life ‘as is,’ and finding reasons to be grateful.
For this workshop, please bring a journal or notebook, and a magazine (if you have one) to share, for collaging a new vision of wholeness