If you find yourself living an unrecognizable existence since your loss, or you’re feeling somehow stuck between the trauma and the world where you now live, this workshop is meant for you. Come join in this exploration of the space between what happened and what’s next.
LGBTQ+ Widowed
Find Your Tribe
This workshop will offer support for members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, and Queer community and consists of small group discussions among those with similar situations. Through a series of rotations, you will find others who you share parts of your unique grief with such as type of loss, time in grief, and type […]
Navigating Our Finances
After what we’ve been through, we can ill afford to endanger our finances. Debra will identify & prioritize critical financial decisions to make, so that the Tool called Money can serve to help you (not set you back) in your grief recovery. She uses every day analogies to translate financeze into English. You’ll learn how […]
We Have a Widowed Person For That
Every widowed experience is different, and yet the way the person you love died may influence how you grieve. At Soaring Spirits we’ve discovered that connecting with other people whose loved one died in the same way as yours offers a unique and powerful comfort as you move through your grief. We Have a Widowed […]
Keynote Address
Please join John Polo, long-time Camp Widow presenter, coach and author of 4 books-Widowed. Rants, Raves and Randoms, Widowed 2: Now I Live, How To Date a Widow and The Stupid Sh*t People Say to Grievers. John came to his first camp in 2017 and has been presenting at every camp at least once a […]
Finding Strength in Grief through Community Connections
We all began our widowed life not knowing exactly how to move forward. We may struggle with living in the “in between” years – the time before our partner passed, and the days and years after they pass. As we create new chapters for ourselves, rely on our cultural and community supports, and develop new […]