Tanya Villanueva Tepper was thinking wedding plans — not widowhood — the morning of September 11, 2001. Her fiancé, a New York City firefighter, was among the thousands killed when the Twin Towers were attacked. She was forced to learn how to live every day without her Sergio.
Camp Widow Helps People Cope With Loss Of Loved One
Thousands of widowed people from nearly every state and from as far away as Australia gathered in San Diego Friday to participate in Camp Widow, a three-day camp where those who have lost a mate can share encouragement and help others overcome the loss.
Soaring Spirits Launches You Are Not Alone Campaign
According to the U.S. Census Bureau 800,000 people are widowed each year in the United States; and for this population, there is a constant struggle to find support communities due to the isolation often associated with acute grieving. When Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation (SSLF) was founded in 2008, it was for the purpose of filling this need. In keeping with its mission, SSLF announces the launch of a new campaign, You Are Not Alone on June 23, International Widows Day.
Third Annual Camp Widow Begins August 12, 2011
Unique Camp provides resources and hope for widowed people (Simi Valley, CA) May 8, 2011 – When you think of summer camp – typically outdoor showers, cabins, and camp fires come to mind. For Camp Widow™ – the description is slightly different – outdoor showers are replaced with hope, cabins with support and camp fires […]
TBM Associates Wins Hermes Creative Award for Camp Widow Release
TBM Associates Public Relations is the recipient of a 2011 Hermes Creative Awards – Gold Award. Hermes Creative Awards recognizes outstanding work in the industry by communication professionals. TBM’s winning entry was in the news release category. The submission was a news release promoting Camp Widow – a program sponsored by the firm’s client Soaring Spirit Loss Foundation; a non-profit organization that provides resources for widowed people.
Maria Sanchez Show : Interview with Michele Neff Hernandez
Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation. Talked about the loss of a loved one and how to cope with the loss. Widow Camp in every year in San Diego.