Amy Florian
In the blink of an eye, a car accident thrust Amy into the role of 25-yr-old widow & single mother. Well-meaning people had no idea what to say or do. As Amy struggled and healed, she resolved to educate others to spare them the same experience. She earned a Master’s Degree and a Fellow in Thanatology (highest certification level in grief studies). She founded a regional support group for widowed people that she continues serving 30 yrs later. She was Exec. Director of a nonprofit dedicated to helping find meaning, hope, and peace in the midst of suffering. She taught graduate classes on working with sick, dying, & grieving people at Loyola University Chicago for almost 10 yrs. Amy launched her company, Corgenius, to teach professionals to support grieving clients. She published over 150 articles. In 2017 her book, “A Friend Indeed: Help Those You Love When They Grieve” won an International Book Award. On Soaring Spirits’ Advisory Board, Amy continues her work in help others heal.